Les Mis Summary (pt 1)

 The first book of Les Misérables introduces us more about the bishop’s life and how he’s like in general. At first we find out about how his journey basically starts including the part when he lost his wife which affected him deeply. To add on, people despised him and would speak nothing but bad things about him. While he had nothing against them, but rather wanted to help the people around him. 

 The bishop is a selfless man and we know this. Every night, he chooses to take a risk and leave all of his doors unlocked to welcome anyone in. He would also sometimes give other everything he has just to make sure that they’re doing well. There was even a time when he’d chose to save a bug’s life instead of just being careless and harming it. Even left him a sprained ankle once. He truly has a kind heart and tends to put other first before himself. 

 Seems to be that he isn’t very materialistic either. Sure he lived in quite a big house, but he didn’t have much decorations up around and was the type to just keep things simple. He also didn’t have much furniture, guessing only kept the right amount he needed. Overall, I think it’s safe to say that the bishop is a humble man who has done nothing but great deeds for others in this book.


  1. I definitely agree that the bishop is a selfless man since he's done many things for others out of kindness.


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