Final Reflection For World Literature 2020-2021

 This semester was truly unlike any of my past ones. Since the first day of school, I already knew things would be completely different. From the start, we weren't able to do the same things we were able to do as before, back when corona didn't affect our lives. Now we couldn't physically see or talk to each other. Basically anything that we used to physically do, we could no longer do now since everything is now based on screen. We learn and do majority of our work through the screen. 

  In class, we would sometimes talk about issues during class is something I find pretty meaningful. Like during election week, many people had voiced about their opinions towards the presidential election, specifically towards the candidates. I'd say that there was a little bit of a disagreement but it was nice to hear about this topic from other people's different perspectives. To add onto this, I also found it pretty nice on how we were able to read the chapters to Les Misérables together and really look into its deeper meaning as a class. Even though it may have been a bit of a challenge for us as a class (due to this new virtual way of learning), we were still able to find ways for us to interact with each other.

    Out of all the work I have done for this class, I am most proud of what I have done for our Literature Analysis assignment. I realize that I have put a lot of work into that assignment compared to all of my others. I wrote a pretty long summary for the story, but it was getting too long so I tried to squeeze everything in as much as possible, trying to shorten it a bit. It was a little difficult, and to be honest I really do think I could've added a little more to it, but I was afraid it would've taken up too much of the space. Along that, I would also constantly look through the pages of the book to each find and list three different things for the literary techniques I chose to look for into the book. It took time, but after I finished on the assignment, I felt relieved and pretty much satisfied with my work. 

    There are a few assignments that I wish I could've done better on. I really don't think it's any particular assignment though, just everything I've done so far as a whole. Yes, I am usually always doing my best on most my works, but I feel like I could be more expressive or at least extend my vocabulary in some way. It just seems like there's something missing and that I could push myself farther to do. Not to mention that sometimes I start losing motivation to finish up some of my work and start to procrastinate. To be honest, I didn't have much motivation to get myself to do this essay either, but then I knew that in order for me to properly reach my goals, I would have to get rid of my bad habit of procrastination and begin to get all my work done.

    In this course, I learned to somehow be able to extend my vocabulary through reading Les Misérables. When I first read the book, there were a few words that I'd come across in which I didn't know the meaning to. For example, back then I didn't know what the word "paroxysm" until I read it in the book and decided to search up its meaning. Turns out it means, "a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity." Now that this word has been added into my vocabulary, I'm a lot more able to express myself more in my writing. 

    There were three texts that I've read during this semester, which were the book I've read for my literature analysis which was "Between the Lines," and the first and second book of "Les Misérables." In "Between the Lines," there were many literary techniques that were included in the book, but the one technique that was mainly used was point of view (POV). The first book of "Les Misérables," constantly uses the technique of imagery on some of its chapters. I've noticed this especially in the 6th chapter of the book. Last, I've noticed in the book were currently reading, the second book of "Les Misérables," that they have been using a slight bit of foreshadowing in the story so far.

    Overall, I found this semester was actually quite great and I'd say that things are going surprisingly well (at least for this class). Everyone in the world are constantly going through challenges right now, especially due to corona, but I'm glad that us as a class are still finding ways together for us to communicate to get our work done and be able to reach our goals together. I hope for things to soon get better and I for our semester to be as great as our current one, or even better. 
