Les Miserables #1

During the first chapter of Les Misérables, we were introduced by a few of their characters which were M. Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel, Mademoiselle Baptistine, and Madame Magloire. Here we found out that people had false accusations towards him the moment he had arrived at the diocese. His wife has also died earlier before this, leaving him a lonely man. For Mademoiselle Baptistine, we found out how she seemed to have struggled with her physical appearance but soon realized that she held a different kind of beauty which seemed to be the beauty of goodness. Lastly, Madame Magloire was an old, white woman that seemed to always be out of breath and one of the reasons being because of her asthma. So far, I find the book pretty interesting. Though there are a few words used that I don't quite know the definition to yet, and it's fine because this way I'm able to expand my vocabulary.
