The meaning of a native american story

 The story of "The Earth on Turtle's back" was a bit confusing but interesting at the same time. I couldn't quite comprehend how the tiny muskrat was able to bring the Earth up while grasping the bottom but I guess that's one thing that made the story interesting. Other than that I found it amazing with the idea of the people living in the clouds, along with a planted tree and nothing but water underneath them. Also gave me an Alice in Wonderland vibe when the wife fell in the hole, resulting the animals saving her. Though I believe that the moral of the story here shows us that thanks to the wife's dream creating a symbol/message for the great tree to be uprooted, leading the wife to meet the animals which soon helped her by acquiring the Earth, letting her live there and was given the availability to start a new life on Earth by planting seeds to create trees and grass.
